7 Study Strategies to Help Your Child Ace That Test!

by | March 2, 2018

You know what the end of the year brings—tests! Here are some quick tips to help ensure your child is ready to ace their test.

1. Ensure that they stay organized, with different folders for each class.
2. Set up a quiet study space that is free from distractions.
3. Encourage them to read through the section being covered in the textbook before it’s reviewed in class.
4. Teach your child to be an active reader—either taking notes as they read, or marking in the book.
5. Teach your child to make time to study well before the test. Don’t put it off until the last minute. Plan a study schedule to stay on track.
6. Consider the format of the test—if the test is short answer or multiple choice, they will need to know a lot of facts and specific details. If there is an essay, have them focus on the big picture.
7. Offer rewards for studying and/or getting schoolwork done, rather than taking things away for not studying,

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