Nurturing Literacy in Young Minds

Nurturing Literacy in Young Minds

In a world illuminated by screens and filled with words, the art of literacy shines as a beacon of knowledge, empowerment, and connection. From the enchanting pages of a novel to the scrolling texts on our devices, literacy serves as the compass guiding us through the...
Langsford Lecture Series: Educational Evaluations

Langsford Lecture Series: Educational Evaluations

Have you ever been a bit confused when interpreting educational tests?  What are the best practices?   In a recent presentation, Stephen McCrocklin, Langsford’s Executive Director, gave an overview of several educational evaluations that are commonly used by...

How to Help Kids Do Their Best Work

At Langsford, we work with children on a 1 to 1 basis, meaning 1 child with 1 instructor. In this environment, we usually see children performing to the best of their ability. They have our full attention, and there aren’t other children around to compete with. This...
Langsford Lecture Series: Screening for Reading Progress

Langsford Lecture Series: Screening for Reading Progress

Screening for Reading Progress The best way to solve a puzzle is to gather all of the pieces.  Then you can sort them to find out where they will likely fit. The same applies to reading instruction.  Knowing where each child is with their reading will help determine...

9 Simple Ways to Boost Your Child's Reading Confidence

BONUS: How to tell if they're struggling to read and what to do about it. 

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