How to Help Kids Do Their Best Work

by | November 29, 2018

At Langsford, we work with children on a 1 to 1 basis, meaning 1 child with 1 instructor. In this environment, we usually see children performing to the best of their ability. They have our full attention, and there aren’t other children around to compete with.

This isn’t the case in the classroom. In the classroom, children are often very aware of the performance of the children around them. They may race to finish first and, by doing so, sacrifice accuracy.

It is important help children understand that accuracy (and comprehension) are more important than speed. Fast work does not equate to their best work. To help encourage them to slow down and work with accuracy, here are some important messages and reminders you can give them.

1. Make sure you understand the directions.

If there are written directions, read through them several times before beginning. If you are still unsure, check with the teacher.

2. Ask questions.

Ask questions if you aren’t sure of what to do. It is always okay to ask the teacher for help.

3. Take your time.

This isn’t a race. Read carefully and think through your answers.

4. Check your work.

Read through your written work. Double check your answers. Do anything you can to make sure you did your work correctly.

5. Do what YOU can do.

Don’t pay attention to your neighbor’s work—their best is not YOUR best.

6. If you are doing your best work, it’s enough!

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