6 Tips to Keep Reading Fun Year-Round

by | August 16, 2018

Did your child have a summer full of reading fun? Keep the fun and momentum going with these six tips.

1. Read together

Have your child choose a book they like and take turns reading aloud. Use the Five Finger Rule to make sure the book is a good fit for them.

2. Let Them Read!

If your child is captivated by a book they’re reading, let them keep reading (for as long as is reasonable.) Let them even it means staying up a little bit past bedtime.

3. Go to the Library

Take the whole family to the library and let everyone (including yourself) pick a book to take home. There are also often fun story hours devoted to kids for a little extra fun.

4. Create a Special Reading Area

If you don’t already have a special place dedicated to reading, make one! Find books from garage sales, library sales, book stores, and even the dollar store. Continue to add to it regularly so that there are always new options to choose from.

5. Monkey See, Monkey Do

Make sure you’re setting a good example by devoting time to reading as well.
If you don’t read, it’ll be hard to convince your kids to.

6. Find Help

If your child hates reading no matter what you try, there may be something getting in their way. Talk to your child’s teacher and see if they have seen anything concerning. If they have, a comprehensive reading evaluation may be the appropriate next step.

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